mamma's breakfast nook

mamma's breakfast nook
Where the insane gain sanity

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I'm getting bigger by the hour it seems; my butt is enourmous! What happened to the 110 pound girl? I feel like a blimp. I hate being at home alone, so he takes me to my mom's house too. My siblings are excited to be aunts and uncles-- they can hardly wait! Being pregnant has it's moments of pleasure;like being waited on, favorite foods, and shopping for maternity clothes. ( Okay, that's not all that much fun!) One time we were heading to Las Vegas for the weekend, I didn't really like to go because I was not yet 21! I usually got stuck sitting in the cafe, eating--like I needed more weight gain right? One day, his ex-girlfriend and her husband joined us for the Vegas trip; my clothes were getting tight and I needed a new outfit. He decided to take me to Zody's, a cheaper version of Walmat, the selection of maternity clothes was well...lacking, to say the least. After about the third outfit, that stupid woman, Alice, came in with her rediculas laghter, and when I say rediculas, I mean it! She actually laughed like this: "Tee-Hee"! So here she comes my way. "Tee-Hee Tee-Hee, Paul said...Tee-Hee Tee-Hee, if we can't find something that fits, Tee-Hee Tee-Hee, we will need to by a Tee-Hee Tee-Hee, TENT!" Really? That's funny? I can't help it if I'm not 5'3" and 75 lbs? I wanted to just go home-- forget the friggin' outfit, Vegas, and that stupid...well, you know..and just go home! We did find something, but I just wanted to leave! The idiot husband, spilled an entire bottle of Brut in the car, it was summer, in Vegas, 120 degrees, and that stuff made me so sick. I threw up the entire ride up and back! We went, it was ultra boring, and then we went home. I hated those trips!Home, finally home-- all I want to do is take a long hot bath and crash! Monday morning, I was instructed to do laundry. I didn't have a car and didn't drive, so that meant, I had to walk to the laundrymat ( about six miles from my house) with a huge hamper of dirty clothes! As I was walking, someone honked the horn at me, and pulled up right next to me. It was my first love! John Lloyd Fox III! He couldn't help notice my bulging belly and offered me a ride. Instead of taking me to the laundrymat, he took me to his mom's home, where I could do them and relax too. I missed his laughter, his crystal blue eyes, and his smile. We stayed in touch for quite some time, and I was glad to have him as a friend. His parents were wonderful, they would invite me over and feed me. ( yes, the food theme!). John used to call his dad Honey, he had done that from the time he was a little guy until I last saw him, over 38 years ago. His mom, Jackie was so sweet to me too! I miss them! Honey used to bring me cantalopes-- during a summer pregnancy they are the best!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

More of the Same...

We finally moved out of the motel, and into our own place, in Lynwood California. I'd go early in the morning to stay with my grandma, I really enjoyed the time spent with her. As the pregnancy progressed, and my body went through changes, I was inundated with horror stories of labor and delivery. Some women told me how the pain was unbearable, that the screamed in utter agony at EVERY contraction-- I was scared! After which, my grandmother, who gave birth to seven children, told me NOT to listen to these woman, it is not as bad as they make it out to be! Grandma was a short woman, who, had really BIG babies too! So, if she said it wasn't that bad, I beleived her. Doctor visits went well; I always liked that he would ask if I had any questions. Questions? Sure, plenty-- But being very young, and unsure of myself, I wasn't about to ask them. Heck, I didn't even understand the hype of sex, let alone childbirth! I was set for my first ultrasound, boy were they different in the 70's! A little blob could barely be seen, but the doctor assured me it was indeed a baby.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


The place I hang out during the daytime is my grandmother's house, she is stock full of wisdom and lots of love. I wonder what it might be like to see my grandchild pregnant--expecting a tiny miracle to arive and knowing how ill prepared she is. What ad vice can I give her? Does she even understand that her entire life will be devoted to this little bundle? I had no clue... It was nice spending time with my favorite person all day, grandma and grandpa always knew just what to do to make all the grandchildren feel special! I want to be just like them someday. The good/bad thing about being at their house was the food! Mmmmm "Eating for two ya know!" Let me tell you, I did too! I soon watched my wasteline expand, along with the rest of me. I started to dread my gyno appoinments, the weighing in part anyway. My Uncle would take me to my appointments and at my begging would wait until after the scale to take me to lunch! ( like that mattered right?) I told you I was young--17 years old. I had no idea what it was to be a woman let alone a pregnant one!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Time to Gather Baby Stuff and Prepare the Nest

I beleive other animals have it down to a science; justation periods are quicker and yet, they have their nesting ground all ready. The one thing animals have that we don't, is the ability to know how long to keep the offspring--some of us never got that memo.

Here I am, planning the themed nursery, painting the room, dressers, tiny Raggety Anne and Andy figurines, and lining the drawers with all my wrapping paper. The bassenette is painted yellow, with green trim, blankets and stuffed animals are carefully placed in preperation for our new bundle of joy. Alright, so I'm just three months along; I'm not a procrastionater. Being a young mother, I just had way to much time at home; BC, ( before children) I could have my house cleaned in seconds. Oh heck, I had lots of things a nice figure, no boobs, a quiet home, little grocery bills, and well, you get the picture, if not now...soon, my pretty. *evil laugh*

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Maternity clothes?

I have to admit, the moment I found out about my baby, the first thing I wanted to do was shop for pregnancy clothes; something that would let the world know! Well, come on Cathy...sooner than later it would be VERY obvious! With your first, I guess you are just so happy. My mom bought me a cute spring-time blouse; it was sweet.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Telling the Family!!!

So we went to my grandma's house, my mom and I and told everyone there the big news! ( ok, so it was my mom that er um blabbed)Their little girl was expecting--another generation coming into the world. Wow! I'm really going to like this pregnancy thing; everyone is caring about and for me! Aunt Sally buys me pies, Uncle Andy takes me out for lunch, Grandma fixes me fresh hot tortillas; they are all concerned with my comfort. This is very nice. I love all this attention. My grandparents are the best!I didn't know it then, but my life, and my waistline was going to change DRASTICALLY!

Monday, June 14, 2010

That did not take long!

It did not take very long for my mom to um, take over! Mom made an appointment for me with the doctor who delivered a few of my brothers; I said a few, because my mom had ten children. ( I guess that’s why she knew—eh, who would have guessed?) By they way all you young ones...they didn’t have over the counter pregnancy test—still had to kill a rabbit! Where was PITA then? Well, I went, not the most exciting day of my life; oh it was a good day but not too thrilled to have my mom in the room while the doctor checked me out. Not to mention, a joke here and there at my expense. I guess I am grateful we didn’t have cell phones back then; my mother couldn’t wait to tell the world my news. Not to mention just think if she had a camera phone!!!